California Adventures

It’s 9pm on Saturday March 18th and my backpack is again disassembled and spread all over my friend’s Tri and Asher’s home in Palm Springs, who were gracious enough to let us stay again before it’s time to sleep on the ground.

The road trip to get here, met our standards – longer than it needed to be and fitting in random stops just because. I’ve done many north-south road trips in the state, but never the length of 101 from Oregon to LA and that was fun.

I’m trying to shed 5 to 8 lbs from the pack before I reload it so cutting out a variety of small extras and organization, go with less clothes. The real question is: my backpacking chair – keep or leave in reserve? Probably my no 1 luxury item that is not critical (like the extra weight I devote to sleeping.

Finally, a new and undesirable development: a scratchy throat has developed into a full blown cold, so looks like I’ll kick this thing off sick with a fresh storm blowing through Tuesday and Wednesday…

All I know it this point is I’m showing at the border to start with some and then it’s all a gamble and chance!






4 responses to “California Adventures”

  1. Paul Avatar

    Sorry to hear about the cold. Time to walk it off! Tough call about the chair. Hard item to skip.

    The boys and I will read all your blog posts. They did have one question to start off: why are you doing this? I gave them a half answer, but they’d love to see your full answer posted here.

    1. brian.n.neville Avatar

      There is a whole story as to why right here in the blog. My inadequate WordPress skills means it’s not as obvious as I’d like it to be on the face of the site, but click the two bars in the upper right corner and you’ll see the page for why!

  2. Jeri Grazier Avatar
    Jeri Grazier

    Enjoy the experience, what a remarkable project you have ahead of you! I look forward to reading your posts but none more than the one that says you are safe and back home!

    1. brian.n.neville Avatar

      Thank you Jeri!